
wiltonlakes would like to share a photo.


About me!

My name is kelly, you can call me kel or ly, nct mark and
aespa winter enthusiast. she/her, isfj, use ina/ing.

ㅤ(Fav)ㅤ mark lee, kim winter, taylor swift songs

ㅤ(Big no!)ㅤ antis

ㅤBefore you followㅤ i'm a big supporter of mark
lee and kim winter, and sometimes can be their shipper, loves to tmi and rants. ㅤ Don't follow ifㅤ solostan other member of aespa, hate my favs, unitzen, racist, islamphobic, heterophobic.


Favorite things

mark lee, kim winter, taylor swift

ㅤStan list!ㅤ markf, winterbelles, swifties

ㅤFav ship!ㅤ markwint, jenwint, markno, markmin

Notes : strictly do not follow me if your age is under 14.
